Preparing for travel is important in terms of what not to bring as well as what to bring.  I started  writing this on a Samsung Tab S3 and found it impractical and difficult.   While the screen is 10 inches the keyboard is very small and takes getting used to.  The android version of Blogger is different too.  Screw this, so I went to my Macbook air.  Good lessons.  I have been toying with the idea of finding a replacement to a laptop and was hoping the tablet was it and it just isn’t.  Maybe in a pinch.

I have been planning my travel adventure for several years.  I chose to live where I live because it’s cheap and will allow me to have a home base for travel.  The dogs are safe here and can come and go inside as they like. My gentleman’s gentleman Jose (Mr. French from Family Affair) comes by to feed and water them and they like him a lot.  I confess to great guilt if I’m gone for an extended period of time.  When the neighbors are here they come and get them for over indulgence of treats and they make themselves quite at home.  You have no idea how grateful I am for that.

Ok Ok I’m getting to first little trip.  I had to go up to the deck and throw apples at the gypsies.

As I have been planning my travel for the past several years watching Youtube videos and Vlogs became part of the routine.  The tiny house movement is huge and fascinating to me, but in reality you need a mortgage for one of those.  Even the container homes can be over $100,000.00.  I’d rather spend my money in other ways.

I’ve always been fascinated by Yurts so in the early part of May I booked a two day stay at Yurt at the top of the mountain through AirBNB.  This was not only my first Yurt stay but also my first AirBNB try.

From Sonora Mexico the trip takes you up to Why, Arizona where you hook a right and head into the Tohono O’odham Nation.  This is a pretty uninteresting drive though eventually you will wind up at the Kitt Peak National Observatory.  After about 5 hours you will find your way to Tucson and another hour will get you to Tombstone, the town that never died, though I wish it would.  Worst tourist trap ever.


Bisbee, Arizona is a place I’ve been to a few times.  This trip allowed me to see the side of town I’d never been to before.  If you have only spent time in town you’re missing a lot and yes it might be considered an artist enclave, there is so much more to it.

So check in was super easy.  As I pulled up, the host Doreen was out fixing a pump and I had a very short chance to visit.  She’s was clearly a self sufficient person and I’ll bet has some pretty interesting stories to tell.  Check in means walking into the Yurt, no fuss no muss.

Lots of color

Yurt living is very easy to do if you get rid of all the stuff you don’t need.

Plenty of room

If you have a great piece of land with a nice view.

Tranquil setting

Night time got a bit cold, but to me that was all part of a great time.  There’s a heater, but even better, Doreen had these amazing quilts on the bed.  So comfortable, however, the bed is a bit high and if you have some disabilities it could be a bit tough.  This is what I got to look at in the evening.

Watching clouds

So, where to eat.  It was Monday and pretty slow.  Some places were closed.  I picked a place that has always served me well The Copper Queen Hotel. The Hotel is a great place to stay too, but todays mission was to have a bit of eat and drink.  Honestly I have found the restaurant here one of the best anywhere.  The meal that night was Chicken Tortellini and was outstanding

Copper Queen

On the way down to the town center where the hotel is, you pass by many interesting homes and commercial structures.

Interesting habitat

After that gastro adventure I returned to the Yurt and just sat and enjoyed the coming dusk.  A good night sleep under warm comforters.

Next day I just enjoyed sitting around reading and listening to the radio.  Got into town at about three and picked up a refrigerator magnet at one of the stores.  Saw a family which included a pot bellied pig lazing on a stretch of grass.  I expect if you stayed in this town any length of time you would find a very diverse group of locals.

I am not a fan of Vietnamese food, but there is one restaurant in town that had great reviews so I gave it a try.  The portions were huge!  I wish I liked the cuisine more.  Clearly a lot of people rave about Thuys Noodle Shop.  Give it a shot.

Home for the evening and another warm night under quilts.  Headed out the next day at my customary 05:00.  Shower was nice and warm.  Coffee was delicious.

So would I do this again?  Yes and bring the dogs.  I get bored easy.  Bisbee to me isn’t that interesting especially after visiting before.  I suppose if people want to visit Tombstone and Sierra Vista this might be good for a few days.  Two was enough for me and that really is more about a need to move on than anything else.

The Yurt at the top of the mountain is a hit.  Doreen takes great care to make your stay comfortable. If you’re looking for something different and quiet, this is it.  Bisbee and the Yurt may not be for disabled folks.  As seen in the photos there is a ramp, however the area is very hilly and if you have bad knees, like me, it could be a real challenge to navigate.  Town is the same.


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